Created and Directed by Vieve Radha Price and Chuk Obasi
Devised by Tara Amber, Ima Otto During, Annie Hartkemeyer, Joy Kelly, Nalini Sharma and MiriamTabb
Script by Tara Amber and Nalini Sharma
A young hospital patient loses his temper, triggering drastic measures to quell the perceived threat – an event with rippling impact on those in closest proximity. As his protective mother holds this event against the backdrop of institutional racism and personal bias, five women attempt to undo the external and internal damage. Questions linger throughout: Is this how it is? Is this how it should be? This is part two of a series of theatre works exploring the nuanced dynamics of racism through both a personaland communal lens.
TÉA Artistry seeks to activate and inspire humanity through art. We engage Insight artistry to create spiritually grounded work and to cultivate communities of self-aware and socially conscious artists. We are dedicated to utilizing the method of Insight Artistry to support the development of authentic and transformative creative work, across all artistic fields. Over the past decade TÉA has developed Insight Artistry to create both theatrical works and a personal practice for artists and creatives.