August 26-October 2nd
Hair of the dog
Secret Bridesmaids' Business
by Elizabeth Cleman
DIrected by Gary Schwartz
with Tamara Lovatt-Smith, Deb Crisford, Jen Apostolou, Jeremy Waters, Emily Vacchiano, Victoria ROberts
The John Wayne Principle
By Tony McNamara
Directed by Rosemary
With James M. Larner, Raphael Fetta, Guy Mandic, Kathryn Alexander, Jessamyn Blakeslee, Jay Riedl |

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"McNamara's is a talent worth keeping an ear out for"
- The Independent.
Now Big in Australia! |
October 10 - October 17
Savage Acts
by Kia Corthron, Jorge Ignacio COrtinas, Han Ong, Sung Rno
Directed by Ralph B. Pena
with Jeanine T.Abraham. Jesse Bernstein, Ron DOmingo, Piter Marek, Orlando Pabotoy, Sophia Skiles, Aaron Yoo
Design by Sarah Lambert, Justin Townsend, Carol Bailey, Fabian Obispo, Schele Williams |

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They longed to be just like everyone else but nothing could tame the beasts lurking inside... |
October 28-31st
International Wow Company
Will we not return? Death of Nations, Part II
Conceived and directed by Josh Fox
internationalwow.org |

"Adventurous. Chilling. Stunning"
- NY Times
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As part of International WOW Company's four part play cycle. Each chapter explores a particular country (USA, Thailand, Argentina, and Iraq)

November 3-21st
Pig Iron
Hell meets Henry Hallfway
Based on Witold
Gombrowicz's novel Possessed.
by Adriano Shaplin
Directed by Dan Rothenberg
Featuring Gabriel Quinn Bauriedel, Steve Cuiffo, Bel Garcia, Sarah Sanford, James Sugg, and Dito van Reigersberg.
Set, Matt Saunders; lighting, Sarah Sidman; costumes, Miranda Hoffman; sound, Bill Moriarty and James Sugg; original score, Shaplin and Sugg
Barrymore Award 2005
(Sound Design)
Obie Award 2004
(Special Citation)
“The paradoxical thing about anarchy is that it takes discipline to pull off — and Dan Rothenberg's direction is, above all, disciplined… No matter how bizarre the dramatic events, a unifying company style (think George Romero apprenticing under George Abbott) keeps the action grounded.”
— Variety


“Absurd, unbalancing and exhilarating, Hell Meets Henry Halfway is a Tilt-a-Whirl of a show that leaves you dizzy and means to.”
— The New York Times
December 1-24th
International Wow
The Expense of Spirit
Written and Directed by Josh Fox
Featuring: Deborah Wallace, Robert Saietta, Ikuko Ikari, Alanna Medlock, Petre Lettre, Will O’Hare, Nick Jaeger,Thomas Westphal,Zina Anaplioti, Paul Garcia, Ivan Goris, Lee Gundersheimer, Sauda Jackson
Sarah Nedwek, Erin Alexis Randolph, Nicholas Rincon, Pedro Rafael Rodriguez, Vlamyr Viscaya, Jessica Weinstein. |
“The expense of spirit in a waste of shame/ Is lust in action…” Shakespeare, Sonnet 129
"Extraordinary, breath-taking, an astonishing tour de force...unforgettable"
- NYtheatre.com
" Stunning...Incredible richness and complexity"
- Offoffonline.com

"...Virtuosic.. Powerful..."
- New York Times

January 8-February 5th
conceived and directed by Rachel Dickstein, adapted by Ms. Dickstein with Emily Morse
Original Music and Sound by Katie Down
Set Design by Susan Zeeman Rogers
Lighting Design by Tyler Micoleau
Costume Design by Ilona Somogyi
In collaboration with the ensemble: Margot Ebling, LeeAnne Hutchison, Paula McGonagle, Grant Neale, Christopher Oden, Andy Paris, and Jill A. Samuels
“Ms. Dickstein artfully draws the audience into a mesmerizing mood piece composed of seamless vignettes . . . . . ravishing moments . . . stunning visuals . . . pure visual entertainment. . . . Dickstein is a maverick illusionist.”
- New York Times
“A dazzling achievement!
– Backstage
– The Village Voice

February 13, March 5th
Les Freres Corbusier
Conceived by Juliet Cha, David Morris and Alex TImbers
Written and Directed by Alex Timbers
Design by Douglas J. Cohen
Katherine Profeta,Anne Davison,David Evans Morris
Juliet Chia,Jenny Mannis, Bart Fasbender,Jacob Pinholster.
Featuring Virginia Callaway, Matthew DeVriendt, Simon Feil, Jacob Grigolia-Rosenbaum, Nina Hellman, Shareefah Hamilton, Scott Hoffer, Ryan Karels, Leslie Klug, Daniel Larlham, Brian McTaminey, Max Miner, Liz Meriwether, Ian Oldaker, Keith Price, John Summerour, Mary C. Wilson
lesfreres.org |

"Clever, slickly produced and consistently entertaining... An all-out attack on the senses... A delightfully good time."
- New York Times

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"Les Freres' improbable cocktail of history, ideas, and erudite jokes goes down fast and easy... Driven by director Alex Timbers' inventive whimsy, the group offers a tour de force of ironic pageantry, fueled by pox-on-your-houses political indignation and plenty of smartass humor..."
- Village voice

Named Top 10 of 2005 by Time Out New York and the New York Daily News
Nominated for an American Theatre Wing Hewes Design Award (Best Video Design)
March 17-April 30th
Target Margin
Faust in Love
by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, translated by Douglas Langworthy. Directed by David Herskovits.
with David Greenspan, Nicole Halmos, George Hannah, Wayne Alon Scott, Kendra Ware, and Eunice Wong
Set Design: Carol Bailey and Susan Barras
Lighting Design: Lenore Doxsee
Costume Design: Kaye Voyce
targetmargin.org |

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May 8-28th
Clubbed Thumb

100 Aspects of the Moon
by Ethan Lipton
directed by Emma Griffin

Madame Killer
by Honour Kane with Diana Kane
directed by Wier Harman

Dearest Eugenia Haggis
by Ann Marie Healy
directed by Melissa Kievman

"American playwriting is undergoing something of a renaissance, and Clubbed Thumb is one of the companies at its center.
- New York Press, "Listings: Summerworks 2005" |
June 4- 25th
Little Suckers
Directed by Jessica Davis-Irons
by Andrew Irons
With Arthur Aulisi, Ryan Bronz, Erin Quinn Purcell, Maggie Stokley.
Jill BC Duboff (sound), Owen Hughes (lighting), Meganne George (scenic), Becky Lasky (costumes).
andhowtheatre.org |
" very skillful, very intricate and very intriguing"
- Nytheatre.com
" the set and staging are some of the most gorgeous and efficient I have seen in Off-Off Broadway...daringly innovative"
- Time Out NY
Soho Think Tank
Ice Factory '05
Sponsored By Nobody
Riot Group
Favored Nations & Saga
Foundry Theatre
Witness Relocation |
The Position
Switch Triptych
Major Bang
In a Hall In The Palace Of Pyrrhus |