Red-Haired Thomas

Written By Robert Lyons
Directed by Oliver Butler
Featuring: Danny Beiruti, Alan Benditt, Nicole Raphael, Danielle Skraastad
and Peter Sprague.
Sound Design: Nathan Leigh
Costume Design : Sydney Maresca
Lighting Design: Mike Riggs
Set Design: Tom Gleeson
Stage Manager: Bailie Slevin

"Highly original... This sweetly fractured fairy tale is a tasty slice of city life... zips along with eclectic humor... ingeniously daffy... (with) the occasional gut punch to remind us of what a frightening world we live in."
- New York Times
"Intelligent, engaging, and absolutely fresh!"
- Backstage
"A wacky, multi-layered allegory... a topical romp... a clever red herring... uniquely entertaining."
- offoffonline.com

"Funny... zany even..."
- nytheatre.com |
Professional gambler Cliff has got it bad. His daughter doesn’t need him, his wife might leave him, and his newspaper vender Iftikhar, whose mother country is at war, just might kill him. Witness Cliff’s darkly comic, spiraling descent into a paranoid mythology of power-point presentations, rolls of quarters and hostage videos. Can our migraine-plagued redheaded founding father Thomas Jefferson save the day? Enter with caution into a desperation-filled dreamscape, where the sanest inhabitant may be Thomas Jefferson. (With songs.)