Robert Lyons ' Playwriting
Production History
March 2009
Soho Think Tank Productions
Red Haired Thomas
Written By Robert Lyons
Directed by Oliver Butler
Featuring: Danny Beiruti, Alan Benditt, Nicole Raphael, Danielle Skraastad
and Peter Sprague.
Sound Design: Nathan Leigh
Costume Design : Sydney Maresca
Lighting Design: Mike Riggs
Set Design: Tom Gleeson
Stage Manager: Bailie Slevin
Assistant Stage Manager: Jessy Teboul
Run Crew: Erin Pellechia, Sasha Smith
"Intelligent, engaging and absolutely fresh"
"A wacky, multi-layered allegory... a topical romp... a clever red herring... uniquely entertaining."
- offoffonline.com

His daughter doesn't need him. His wife might leave him. His newspaper vendor just might kill him. A gambler's darkly comic spiraling descent into a paranoid mythology of power point presentation and hostage videos.
Can Thomas Jefferson save him?(with songs.)
Straight from the Ice Factory '08 workshop production.
"Highly original... This sweetly fractured fairy tale is a tasty slice of city life... zips along with eclectic humor... ingeniously daffy... (with) the occasional gut punch to remind us of what a frightening world we live in."
- New York Times |

October 2006
Synapse Productions
The Doorman’s Double Duty
Written & Directed by Robert Lyons
Matthew Maher
Celia Schaefer
Production Staff:
Video Designer Marilys Ernst
Set/Costume Designer Tijana Bjelajac
Sound Designer Valentine Miele
Assist SM Beatrice Lorenzetti
Assist Director Rob Ribar
Associate Producer Vanessa Sparling
“A sweet one-act by Robert Lyons that is obliquely about surveillance and suspicion”
–NY Times

A uniformed doorman and a tenant with an eye for security cameras share a paranoid smoke on a rainy night, negotiating the distance between the curb and the absence of a cab.
" A gem"
- New York Times |

October 2003
Soho Think Tank
No Meat No Irony
Written & Directed by Robert Lyons
Produced by Joseph Gallo & Erich Jungwirth
Celia Schaefer
Jeremy Brisiel
Lighting Designer Tyler Micoleau
Set Designer David Evans Morris
Sound/Composer Peter Clarke
Costume Designer Kelly Hanson
“…represents the best of New York City’s downtown theatre.”
- nytheatre.com |

A comic tale of a one-night stand between a successful vegetarian CEO and a business writer (with a taste for red meat rhetoric) who wants to pen her life story as an inspirational management guide. Over green tea and take-out, red wine and reefer, sex and sunrise, they both wrestle with a series of truths.
" Skilfully directed... gorgeous... stunning.. cool and sexy"
- In-NYC.com

June 2001
Soho Think Tank
P.R Man
Written & Directed by Robert Lyons
Produced by Erich Jungwirth for VoiceChair Productions, Inc.
Production Staff:
Sets Scott Laule
Costumes Shelley Norton
Sound Michael Kraskin
Lights Tyler Micoleau
Video Julian Rad
Casting Samuel Buggeln
Alison Cimmet
Paula Ehrenberg
Martin Epstein
Susan Rutledge
Chris Henry Coffey
Kevin Elden
James Lorenzo
Thomas Shaw
Featured in American Theatre magazine and is currently in development with Zephuros One films in Los Angeles.
“Purely theatrical pleasures”
- TimeOut NY |

a surreal spin on the world of public relations.
“a surreal environmental sex farce…”
- O’Dwyer’s PR Daily |

December 2000
Jay McInerney
How it Ended
Adapted by Robert Lyons
Lightning Strikes Theatre Co. in cooperation with Playboy Magazine and the Playboy foundation
Featuring Roy Bacon, Jeff Buckner, Martin Everall, Lori Funk, Ethan Kent, Scott Andrew Kurchak, Michelle Maryk, Robyn Parsons, Stephen Bishop Seely, D.L Shroder, Rochelle Stempel.
Commissioned adaptations

May 2000
The Possessed
Adapted by Robert Lyons and Kristin Marting
Paul Boocock, Mariana Newhard, Thomas Shaw, Richard Toth, Molly Ward and Cezar Williams.
Music by Matthew Pierce, Set by David Morris, Lights by Christien Methot, Costumes by Kay Voyce, puppets by Kevin Augustine. Stage Managment by Kathryn Hayzer.

January 1996
The Fever
Tiny Mythic Theatre
Based on three sort works: the double, the landlady & White nights
Adapted by Robert Lyons and Kristin Marting
With Alan Benditt, John Conoley, Andrea Jaco, Ilyana Kadushin, Roberta Kastelic, Alexander Pak and Jan- Peter Pedross.
Sets by Darrel Maloney, Lighting by Allen Hahn, Costmes by Kaye Voyce, Sound by Tim Schellenbaum

April 1992
The Naked Anarchist
Project III
Written by Robert Lyons
Directed by Tracy Brigden
Featuring Elizabeth Bonsal, Tito Enriquez, Neil Larson, Sergio Maciel, Veronica Caldwell, Dj Mendel, Kellu Munn, Andrew Palmer, Maggie-MEg Reed, Jody Sperling, Susanna Szperling Mark Wolff, Nami Yamamoto |


May 1992
Project III
Vater Knows Best
Conceived by Robert Lyons and Jeffrey Johnson


April 1991
Project III
Developed by Robert Lyons and Co.
Directed by RObert Lyons
With Elizabeth Bonsal, Neil Larson, Margaret Weber, Jeffery Johnson.
Lighting Design by Kristin Marting
Costume by Margaret Weber, Set by Neil Larson, Music by Jeffery Johnson
Stage Managment by Carl Skutsch |

March 1989
September 1988
Project III
Dream Conspiracy
Written and Directed
by Robert Lyons
With Franca Barchiesi, Elizabeth Bonsal, Don Crozier, Laura Curley, Neil Larson, William D.Michie |

